Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi friends
Last night my bro and myself were having a late night chat regarding many things. At one moment of time we started discussing about the relationship between scientists and businessmen. Really it was an interesting chat.
When I was in Cleveland Clinic (Ohio state of US), all the vehicle license plates use to have one caption "Ohio - the state of first aviation". What do you think about Wright brothers, who invented the aeroplane. They use to assemble bicycle parts and use to sell the bicycles. Lot many scientists, world's top most technological universities (like MIT) were there by that time. But still these two unknown guys from Ohio state could make the 'mission possible'. Really an inspiring work,isn't it?. The lesson is - for the person who has the real zeal, does not need the education in top institutes, nor the paper-stamped degrees. For the man who has a fire in doing things, he will do it wherever he is. Think about Brugada syndrome (and also the names of the trio of Brugada's - Josep Brugada, Ramon Brugada and Pedro Brugada)who really did pioneering work on Sudden Cardiac Deaths.
So the point is, it does not matter where we are and what we have - 'if u think u can, u can'. So think right just like 'Wright Brothers'
What do u say guys.



  1. hey sir, this Is Darshan Bhimani.intern... who want to Join HEALING TOUCH...

  2. my email id dynamic_darshan@yahoo.com

  3. what is the use of doing research on abnormal things? after doing that wil there be any use to humanity?

  4. Sir, sorry i stayed away for a while. But what you said is absolutely correct. The world will believe when you succeed in your path but, to start with, you should first trust in yourselves that "i can make a difference in any situation" not with an extraordinary attitude but with a strong will and planning. And at the same time we should self motivate ourselves as miracles can happen in a day though we don't know when that happens. And the secret behind self motivation is a trusted team who should believe in you that you are correct and will succeed one day.
