Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hey folks, whaz up? Everybody rockin..? This time I m going to break your heads with some philosophical stuff..
“Knowledge is enemy of faith …….If you look deep into the abyss… some times it looks back at you……” these punching words are from a character role from the movie “Sin-eater”, the one which I happened to see a couple of times. I don’t know about others, but some of the movies or some books are more thought-provoking to me rather than the voluminous, ‘heavy-weight’ text books of my profession which I’ve been reading for the past one and half decade. I can’t say that my excitement and interest towards the field of Medicine and its vast knowledge is lost-but somehow, I’m getting more confused, as I‘m reading more about my subject i.e. in doing so called ‘super’ specialization in Cardiology. My intense inner feeling is that the knowledge is the one- which is COMPLETE; knowing that means, afterwards there won’t be anything to know and everything is known to you; knowing which brings you endless happiness and knowing that means nothing but knowing TRUTH-which is constant, ALWAYS. I do know that the purpose of Sciences is to find the truth, but it always wants proof by evidence. i.e. should be ‘demonstrable’ in a practical way. Though the world is said to be advancing in multi dimensional ways (Medical and Informative Technology,Electronics, including molecular and Genetic Engineering, Space Engineering etc)- I feel all these are either comforts/luxuries for us i.e. just for a human being. There is no true “PURPOSE” in this research i.e. many a time the research is not in ‘search’ of truth.

Though there is extensive research in the field of medicine, unknown and unanswerable things are too many, than the ones that are ‘known’ or understood.

Extensive reading of the ‘new’ research leaves me only in confusion. Once I presented an article in the Journal Club stating the adverse interaction between two important drugs in Cardiology. A couple of months later, in the same journal, there was another article stating that- there won’t be such adverse interaction and both drugs can be given safely. If the purpose of the second article is exactly to find what is true, then it will be appreciable. But in this present day era of ‘Pharmaceutical industry-driven’ research, my confidence is not enough to believe in everything of the published research. The true purpose of research is vanishing in just paper publishing attitude of many doctors (After all, we are not born as doctors, first, we are just human beings with normal drives of name and fame, money etc.) . Especially so called ‘evidence based medicine’ era and ‘guideline/ protocol driven patient care,’ I feel the field of Medicine has deviated from its target or the purpose of its existence. Actually the concept of ‘evidence-based’…… true, but it should have that type of evidence that once it is proved or experienced, it should be feeling of ‘truth’ nothing but truth.

Apart from struggling to understand about the disease process, medical research has not touched the root cause of human suffering. There is no answer in Science, why the diseases occur in an otherwise healthy people who don’t have any risk factors. Many a time, we only assume (U know what 'assume' is - making ASS of U and ME) or hypothesize the things that this may be the cause or explanation. Medicine thinks that normality is what majority of normal population has-either anatomy or physiology. The research also focuses on-statically significant ones or any other study which shows ‘positive’ association. Should we say-any thing that does not fall into the category of ‘majority’is abnormal or rarity or exception. How can a person be there in the water without any air for an hour, how can one sit a box filled with ice-cubes almost barely for so many minutes, how can one have a sip of liquid metal burning at 9000C, breaking a wall with head or bending an one-inch diameter steel rod……………..all these things are not magics………….they are the ones that I watched in AXN channel in Guinness world records. How can the Tibet monks travel in Himalayas with just a ‘gochi’ (lion cloth). It is said when they meditate, they generate heat so that even the wet clothes become dry after the meditation. How can Bhagvan Sri Ramana Maharshi gave life to a dead child who had a snake-bite (this had been witnessed by so many people in his ashram).Should we allow the scientific research not to touch them? It is the most funny thing, if we neglect these facts and doing research on so called ‘micro things’. If whole life is spent in finding the role of nucleotidechanges (one genetic mutation) when will a person know everything about the knowledge of the whole universe. We are just having pseudo satisfaction that we have done research on so many things………… all researches which are not the final answers. If we find the ‘ultimate thing’ or the ‘target’ of research, then we can feel we achieved it. But it is not, that is why this research is ‘going on’. And we assume in future it will be found by some others. If we ourselves don’t experience or know the truth in this one hundred years of life span, what is the point in others finding it and experiencing it?

Once I happened to read” Health and healing by Yoga” by the Mother (the disciple of Sri Aurabindo). The first sentence of the book itself stunned me. “We suffer from the disease because we think and believe that we have the disease”. It also puzzled me. If that is true, what about children born with disease? It is also true some times that, many of our disease are ‘psychosomatic’, as many disease are acquired by us. But what about the advancements in the field of trauma care, anaesthesia and surgery? It is definite that health profession is giving life in certain conditions. We just can not deny the role of a doctor and health science in relieving human suffering. Any how the ultimate question to be answered is “Why this happens to a person without any reason?”- and as per Science, for an effect, there must be a cause. The same question was a discussion in 'Prasnopanishadh’ of our Vedas. Though it gives the answers, for many of such questions, the human science has to go a long way to have an answer- for which it needs a 'Vision' at the visible things beyond the present scientific knowledge.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi friends
Last night my bro and myself were having a late night chat regarding many things. At one moment of time we started discussing about the relationship between scientists and businessmen. Really it was an interesting chat.
When I was in Cleveland Clinic (Ohio state of US), all the vehicle license plates use to have one caption "Ohio - the state of first aviation". What do you think about Wright brothers, who invented the aeroplane. They use to assemble bicycle parts and use to sell the bicycles. Lot many scientists, world's top most technological universities (like MIT) were there by that time. But still these two unknown guys from Ohio state could make the 'mission possible'. Really an inspiring work,isn't it?. The lesson is - for the person who has the real zeal, does not need the education in top institutes, nor the paper-stamped degrees. For the man who has a fire in doing things, he will do it wherever he is. Think about Brugada syndrome (and also the names of the trio of Brugada's - Josep Brugada, Ramon Brugada and Pedro Brugada)who really did pioneering work on Sudden Cardiac Deaths.
So the point is, it does not matter where we are and what we have - 'if u think u can, u can'. So think right just like 'Wright Brothers'
What do u say guys.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hello guys
After spending few days in India and in some of the south east Asian Countries, I came to know that, many of new teaching medical institutions are being established or going to be established soon in the coming few years. I do feel that there is real need of medical expertise as population is growing and the affordability of the public towards medical expenses is also increased.But you know, many of them are so commercial that, the medical graduation seats or the speciality courses are offered purely for money, and no validity for the merit. You know how much a student struggles to get into a medical seat in US and also to get into a speaciality course which is ever more tough.Finally this is harmful for our society as you get degrees without proper knowledge and proper clinical training. That's what is happening in India and in some of the near by countries. Hope, now we have a reason why the western doctors feel why our standards are low and also why we have to follow somebody else guidelines, inspite of having enormous clinical material and enough platform for medical research. Nobody objects progression provided if it is well organized and well standardized. So the quality not the quantity that matters.
What do you say.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

If There is a Will , There is a Way

When I recall Guru sir saying " Even cleaveland clinic started with four people..." I got surmised.
Yeah !! the beginning is rather small for all great institutes. But the dedication and commitment shown by the founders are fathomless.

Here are the brief histories of a few great medical centers...

The Johns Hopkins University was founded on January 22, 1876 by educational pioneers who abandoned the traditional roles of the American college and forged a new era of modern research universities by focusing on the expansion of knowledge, graduate education, and support of faculty research. Its motto in Latin is Veritas vos liberabit."The truth will set you free....."In 1873 Johns Hopkins, a childless bachelor, bequeathed $7 million to fund a hospital and university in Baltimore, Maryland.The university's first president was Daniel Coit Gilman.

The Mayo clinic started as a single, small outpatient facility, and later became America's first integrated group practice, a model that is now standard in the United States.Mayo Clinic evolved from the frontier practice of Dr. William Worrall Mayo (1819–1911) and his two sons, William James Mayo (1861–1939) & Charles Horace Mayo (1865–1939). Dr. William Worrall Mayo emigrated from Salford, United Kingdom, to the United States in 1846 and became a doctor.

The Cleveland Clinic was founded in February 1921 by four renowned Cleveland physicians. Three of the founders, George Washington Crile, Frank Bunts, and William Lower, were surgeons who had worked together in an army medical unit in France during World War I.Upon their return to the United States, they desired to establish a group practice and invited an internist, John Phillips, to join in their endeavor. The concept of group practice in medicine was relatively new at the time. Only the Mayo Clinic and military units were known to follow this model. The founders established the Clinic with the vision: “Better care of the sick, investigation of their problems, and further education of those who serve.”

And needless to say...... The list is endless........

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hello friends
How r u? It has been so long since we met in our blog. Was busy with lot of ceremonies in India. How about you? Send me somthing to my mail, that I can post the matter in our blog as it is (if u find some prob in logging in and wanna to write somthing for our blog). So kindly keep sharing somtin with in us. Don't get dull and keep charged always. Recent days I m a visiting faculty as Cardiology professor to some of the medical universities. I may be busy at times, but those who have time can post somtin...isn't that great. So get me that somtin..


Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hello friends
My experience in Mayo clinic last month and now in Cleveland clinic taught me a lot regarding health care practice. I did observe certain interesting things when I am in the cathlab. It is the expertise of the staff that work under the cardiologist. The nurses and the technicians are so professional and have so much expertise in managing patient care that the doctor performing the procedure can do it confidently and peacefully. The staff can manage almost all the procedural work and almost any complication. They are so fast in their actions and in monitoring the patient during the procedure. Really they are enjoying their profession. This is quiet contrary to our medical practice in India. I think we need to train our nurses,
other technical and non-technical staff to the required expertise, that they can manage many of the clinical situations. It is our fault to feel that nurses or only to put IV lines and administer the drugs prescribed by the doctor. This is the situation in many nursing home practices. Teaching and training them on par with any world-class professional makes our job easy and less stressful. In India we have good and many world-class doctors but we also need same standards in nurses and other staff.
What do you say.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello everybody
Today I ve been talking to Dr Samir Kapadia, a famous cardiologist in Cleveland clinic, regarding advice for medical research and health care in India. Really many great people are ready to help us. So let us utilize their services for our home country. You know we have a false feeling that when we get the degree we know everything and nothing to learn beyond. That won't happen in any good hospitals and their staff. I ve seen some of the best hospitals in the world like Johns Hopkins Hospital, Mayo clinic and Cleveland clinic etc. What make them standing top is constant learning and research.
What do you say?
Warm regards

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hello friends
Hope you are all wishing our blog a big success.
Let's pass on this message to everyone we know.
Please give your valuable suggestions how to improve medical facilities in India;
how to improve teaching standards in our medical institutions;
how best we can bring world-class standards in medical care;
what are all the possible ways to improve medical research.
Please share your views and opinions.
So..let's join our hands together.

"Hands that help are mightier than lips that pray"

Warm regards
-Dr Guru

Saturday, July 24, 2010


My dear friends
Hello and namastae!
it is the time to unite our hands

let's show the world what we can do,
whatever that's possible for us

there is nothing that we can 't do
what we need is people with desire, dedication and determination
hope we are all together, to achieve something, to be something and so...
let's BEGIN

let's begin a new solution for the human suffering
to understand, not just the disease but the patient
not just a hospital but a place for hospitality
not just for cure but for care...
are you guys ready for this mission
hope u all join with me
coz 'together we can challenge the world'
" I may lose every time but I am born to win"
Kindest regards
(please post your suggestions and comments in this blog or mail me)